What would suit your teeth needs better, teeth whitening or porcelain veneers?

Teeth whitening and porcelain veneers are two of our most popular treatments at the Welbeck Clinic in London. If you are exploring options that will give your teeth a whiter, fresher look then teeth whitening or porcelain veneers could achieve what you are looking for! However, they are very different techniques and you will find one might be better suited to your needs than the other.

Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening offers a minimally invasive way to lighten your teeth by several shades,

Home whitening – is the least expensive route. The dentist will take impressions of your teeth and make custom made whitening trays to fit your teeth perfectly, the gel is applied to the trays and you will need to wear them for around 4 hours per day.

Laser Whitening – If you are looking for a much whiter smile in a short period of time Zoom@ Laser whitening is one of the fastest whitening systems available in the world. At the end of your appointment you will see a noticeable change in the colour of the teeth, followed by home treatment to stabilize the colour change and enhance the final result.

Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain Veneers – Can address more severe signs of staining and discoloration with results that can last for decades. They can also improve gaps, chips, and mild misalignment. Porcelain veneers are customized to mask the visible part of affected teeth. This treatment will be more invasive than teeth whitening, and may require your original tooth to be slightly reshaped leaving you with a natural fit.

View our smile gallery and see the before and after pictures

https://www.thewelbeckclinic.co.uk/before-after-smiles/teeth-discolouration/ & https://www.thewelbeckclinic.co.uk/before-after-smiles/

Porcelain Veneers and teeth whitening have both given our patients extraordinary results with patients that have wanted to renew their smiles. When you meet Dr IIaty and the team she will explain and go through the procedure and consider your wants and needs, to come up with the best treatment plan for you.