What is Invisalign in London?


There are a number of different types of alignment treatments that are available on the market however one in particular has become increasingly popular in recent years and it comes as no surprise as it offers you the same results as conventional braces do; this phenomenal treatment is known as Invisalign in London.

Invisalign in London is a type of alignment treatment that works to straighten and align your teeth in a discreet manner. As the name suggests, Invisalign in London is essentially invisible, which means that it cannot be seen when you talk, which is a great solution for people who feel embarrassed to wear traditional metal braces which are very obvious.

Why do people get Invisalign?

A lot of people feel self-conscious about their teeth and their smile, and this is usually the primary reason why they incline towards getting cosmetic work done to their teeth,to boost their confidence. Another benefit of getting Invisalign is that it is a non-invasive procedure and does not require any lengthy hospital stays to achieve the desired results. Social media also contributes to the sudden influx of people who are looking to get their teeth straightened; influencers and celebrities are showcasing easier ways to achieve the best looks which in turn is increasing the number of people opting for Invisalign as it is simpler than traditional braces.

If you are looking to have Invisalign, then The Welbeck Clinic may be the best location for you. We are aleading specialist in the field of orthodontics and our highly trained staff will be able to deal with your needs and requirements in a professional, friendly and approachable manner, making your experience as comfortable for you as possible.

What does the procedure involve?

If you desire to get Invisalign in order to straighten your teeth, you will need to make an appointment with our dentist, who will be able to provide you with an initial consultation to assess the overall health of your teeth and the degree of alignment that is necessary. Your dentist will examine the overall health of your gums and teeth to determine whether you are a suitable candidate for Invisalign.The initial consultation also involves taking a series of X-rays of your teeth to envision what the process of alignment will look like for you and determine how long the treatment will take. They will also take impressions of your teeth which will then be sent off to the laboratory for your Invisalign trays to be manufactured; these trays are tailor-made to fit to your teeth. Once the trays are back from the laboratory,your dentist will contact you for your next appointment, where the aligners will be fitted to your teeth and you will be shown how to insert and remove them appropriately.


It is important that you follow your dentist’s instructions when it comes to how to wear and take care of your new aligners to ensure you gain maximum results from them. It is essential that you wear the trays for22 hours of the day and only take them off before eating and drinking. You are able to drink water with the trays in, but not any other type of beverage in case of staining or deforming them with hot beverages.